Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tips on How to Write a Profile For Resume

Tips on How to Write a Profile For ResumeIf you are having problems with your resume or how to write a good one, it can be done by those who have experience in writing resume or having done it themselves. They would know exactly what to do and where to start when it comes to getting their resume read and get through the current job hunt.First of all, you need to be able to see yourself well enough in your resume. If you have got a good academic record, you will need to highlight it. Make sure that your experiences speak more than just your academics.You can write a summary of recent ones that you have had and let your writing skills speak the best. In this case, you can use bullets to describe them. Give some details on the projects that you have had and the roles that you have played. Your biography can also be made through the bullet points.Secondly, think about your major points. How are they going to be presented in the resumes that you will be sending to the prospective employer s? Do this before writing your bio because it can help you make the things clearer.Thirdly, if you think you need to include a list of work experiences, think about your resume first. Will you want to write it? If you will then think about what the resume is going to be used for.If it is a sales or marketing resume, you will want to include a list of your sales or marketing related work experience. If you are writing a biography, you can include your other education or training.It is essential that you are familiar with these basic qualities if you plan to be taken seriously. The best way to begin isto really write a resume or at least give some ideas. With a little practice, you will know exactly how to use the skills you have developed.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Equal Pay Day Your Company Cant Close the Gender Wage Gap

Equal Pay Day Your Company Can’t Close the Gender Wage Gap Companies aren’t faceless entities. They’re made up of peopleâ€"front-line employees and mid-level managers as well as executives, all making small choices every day that positively or negatively impact the pay gap at their own organizations. Any time you have a problem that requires a large group of people to move in the same direction toward a solution, you’re going to run into challenges. The gender pay gap can be eradicated, but it’s not a one-time, top-down fix, and no single person or department can own the initiative. Ensuring that every employee has access to equitable pay and opportunities must come from all parts of an organization. Every employee has to do their part. Here’s how to make that happen. Clarify the problem You can’t help fix a problem that you don’t see, understand, or believe in. And, yes, there are still people who deny that the gender pay gap even exists, despite overwhelming evidence that it does. It doesn’t help that data are sometimes used out of context. For example, the commonly quoted statistic of women making 78 cents for every dollar a man makes in the U.S. is sometimes used to talk about the concept of “equal pay for equal work.” The pay gap between men and women doing the same job and holding all else constant is much smallerâ€"about 97 cents on the dollar. But that’s an economy-wide average. There are much larger gaps for particular types of jobs. For example, women working in Farming, Fishing Forestry occupations make 91 cents on the dollar when controlling for all factors except gender. For women in Installation, Maintenance, Repair jobs, it’s 92 cents. The controlled pay gap also grows as women advance in their careers with female executives making 94 cents on the dollar. What the 78-cent statistic does demonstrate is that women are underrepresented in the best-paying jobs in many organizationsâ€"from the tech team to the executive ranks to the board of directors. And it’s worse for women of color. Highlight the problem in your own backyard Even when people acknowledge that the gender pay gap is an issue in the U.S. labor market, they often don’t believe it’s happening at their own organization. In a recent PayScale survey, we asked 140,000 employees if women and men have equal opportunities in most workplaces. Sixty-seven percent of men said yes, while only 38% of women agreed. However, both men and women tended to believe their own organization was better than average: 75% of men said men and women have equal opportunities at their own workplace, compared to 51% of women. “Our number one goal has to be awareness that a problem exists,” said Matt Wallaert, behavioral scientist and founder of GetRaised.com, in a recent interview with PayScale. “Implicit bias training and other programs are interesting only to the extent that they help people to see that inequity is real, and not just somewhere over there, but around all of us. Otherwise, we’re all just standing in a circle, pointing at each other.” Video Player is loading.Play VideoPlayMuteCurrent Time  0:00/Duration  0:00Loaded: 0%Stream Type  LIVESeek to live, currently playing liveLIVERemaining Time  -0:00  Playback Rate1xChaptersChaptersDescriptionsdescriptions off, selectedCaptionscaptions and subtitles off, selectedAudio TrackFullscreenThis is a modal window.Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.TextColorWhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyOpaqueSemi-TransparentBackgroundColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyOpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparentWindowColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyTransparentSemi-TransparentOpaqueFont Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadowFont FamilyProportional Sans-SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional SerifMonospace SerifCasualScriptSmall CapsReset restore all settings to the default valuesDoneClose Modal DialogEnd of dialog window.PlayMuteCurrent Time  0:00/Duratio n  0:00Loaded: 0%Stream Type  LIVESeek to live, currently playing liveLIVERemaining Time  -0:00  Playback Rate1xFullscreen It’s not difficult within most organizations to find support for the idea of paying fairly regardless of gender. It’s the law after all. But, the reality is that pay inequities may exist without organizations even realizing it. Start by taking a close look at the compensation data you have access to (your team, for example) and encourage your organization to do a more comprehensive analysis. Broaden the talent recruiting pool If you’re a hiring manager, go beyond your college alma mater, employee referrals, etc. Those are the complacent practices that make technology companies, for example, overly homogenous (read: male and white). As it turns out, more diverse teams have been shown to drive better business results. According to a study out of MIT, “economists found that shifting from an all-male or all-female office to one split evenly along gender lines could increase revenue by roughly 41 percent.” Use data to support employee compensation decisions Ensure your decisions about who gets a raise are based on things you can measure. When pay is better tied to performance, you can ensure your decisions are above reproach. More subjective measures of employee performance can negatively impact fair pay practices or at least make your employees feel like it’s not clear why one person got a raise and one didn’t. (Yes, they probably are discussing their pay. And, it’s generally illegal to tell them they can’t.) Check your own biases The way we perceive the worldâ€"including our employees, coworkers, and managersâ€"is shaped by our personal and often unconscious biases. And we use mental shortcuts shaped by those biases to make quick decisions. It’s not easy to push against what feels like “gut instinct,” but we should because our gut can be wrong. In a recent study by ICEDR, a global HR talent academy, researchers found that while organizational leaders overwhelmingly believe women in their 30s leave companies because of “flexibility needs and family demands,” the primary reason women cite for leaving companies is low pay, followed by lack of learning/development opportunities and uninteresting work without meaning. Those motivations closely mirror those of their male colleagues. READ NEXT: Why You Should Care About the Hollywood Wage Gap One of the study’s authors, Christie Hunter Arscott, said in a Harvard Business Review article, “While options for flexibility and work-life balance are important, the bottom line is that motherhood is not the primary reason why talented women are leaving organizations. Focusing retention strategies on this alone, without also considering pay and compensation fairness, will ultimately jeopardize retention and advancement efforts.” The lesson here? Even our attempts at a fix can be influenced by our unconscious bias. Assumptions can lead us down a path that won’t ultimately resolve anything. Make gender equity a continuous effort There is no one-time fix for the gender pay gap. Pay equity will be an ongoing challenge and something that has to be actively managed. Employees will get raises and promotions. New employees will be hired. And every decision that’s made along the way can start to undo progress you’ve made to ensure equitable pay and opportunities at your organization. Pay equity has to be a commitment that is organization wide and starts to be a driver of the company’s culture. Employers that figure out how to weave fairness and diversity into the fabric of their organization will have a competitive advantage when it comes to talent acquisition and retention, business results, and longevity.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

HOLIDAY TIP 3 Steps to Shut Down the Job Search Discussion - Work It Daily

HOLIDAY TIP 3 Steps to Shut Down the Job Search Discussion - Work It Daily Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love a good meal! However, not everyone is excited about the holiday season being upon us. Here’s why… It’s the season for lots of get-togethers â€" and with that comes the dreaded question, “So, how’s the job search coming?” from family and friends. If you are one of the estimated 15M+ who is between jobs right now and actively looking for work, this question might as well be a hot poker being pushed into your gut. It’s hard enough to be out there looking right now. The last thing you need is a reminder of your lack-of-employment status from people who know how to push your buttons, right? I understand. That why there’s the 3-step process I teach all the members of CAREEREALISM Club to use to shut down job search conversations at holiday events. In fact, last week I worked with a dozen members of the club, helping them find their own voice when using this process. We even had them practice what to say within the privacy of our network so they were fully prepared to use it. You could literally feel the sighs of relief through the computer! I promise. This works: Step 1: The one-word answer. When you get asked, “So, how’s the job search coming along?” simply say, “Great. Thanks for asking.” Or, “Super. Thanks for asking.” Or even, “Fine. Thanks for asking.” Pick one word (i.e. It should be positive, negative words will only make the situation worse.), followed by a statement that implies the topic isn’t open for discussion. When you state, “Thanks for asking,” you are making it clear you don’t want to talk about. About 80% of the population gets this verbal cue. But alas, we all have certain family or friends who lack social intelligence. In which case, move to step 2. Step 2: Remind them today’s a holiday. If the person persists with, “Well, what have you been doing to find work?” this is your opportunity to remind them it’s your day off too. I suggest you say something like, “I’ve been working at my job search full-time. Thanks for asking, but since today’s a holiday, I’m taking a day off from talking about it. I appreciate you inquiring though.” This is more blunt, yet still polite enough for them to take the hint without getting flustered. I know lots of you hate the idea of conversational conflict. Honestly, who likes it? But sometimes, you have to be more direct in order to get people to stop pushing. Now, for those family and friends who are truly clueless, there’s always step 3. Step 3: Explain you only take advice from experts. When the overbearing in-law or snarky, jealous sibling decides to push the envelope, it’s time to pull out the honesty card and put them in their place. Unless they are a proven career expert with a track record of helping people find work, then truly, they have no business discussing your job search and making suggestions â€" which we know they are just dying to do. So, when they say things like, “Well, have you tried this?” Or, “So-and-so’s brother got a job by doing this,” you can respond with, “I really appreciate your interest, but the experts I’ve been following and getting advice from are providing all the help I need. I assure you, I’m getting great assistance from professionals who know what it’s really like out there and how to get results. So thanks, but I don’t need any additional help.” This will guaranteed shut them down. If they take offense, or say something about you not being appreciative or nice, simply say, “Actually, I think I’ve made it perfectly clear today isn’t the day to talk about this. I’m sorry, but I feel you’re the one that is being disrespectful of my wishes.” REMEMBER: We allow people to treat us the way they do. Not everyone is as nice or polite as you. That being said, this is your job search â€" not theirs. They have no business asking you about this â€" particularly on a holiday when you’ve already tried nicely to end the discussion. Don’t feel bad, fight back! It’s their insensitivity that is causing the problem â€" not you. P.S. â€" For true success with this process, always end on a high note. It helps to have a something positive to switch the subject to, especially if you had to use step 3. I suggest you think about something exciting or positive that has happened to you or someone you know and redirect the conversation to that. Talk about a great movie you saw, an event you attended, or accomplishment that you felt good about. Maybe you volunteered recently, or achieved a personal fitness milestone. It doesn’t matter, just find something positive to talk about that moves the conversation in a good direction. This will help any uncomfortable feelings around the job search discussion be buried quickly. I hope this helps all of you out there realize that you are entitled to enjoy the holidays as much as anyone else. Being between jobs does not brand you with a Scarlet U. Being unemployed does not define you as a person and definitely doesn’t mean you should not enjoy your life. In fact, at CAREEREALISM Club, we remind members daily you must push ‘play’ on life, regardless of your job status. FACT: Holding back from living will only slow your job search down. So, get out there and enjoy the holidays! Especially now, that you’ve learned the right way to control the conversation. Does anyone have any additional suggestions? Please share them below. Let’s help readers feel 100% confident in their ability to address this successfully. Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!